Contains:  Extremely wide field
Jupiter 37A 135mm f3.5 test on ASP-C Canon, Sambo

Jupiter 37A 135mm f3.5 test on ASP-C Canon

Jupiter 37A 135mm f3.5 test on ASP-C Canon, Sambo

Jupiter 37A 135mm f3.5 test on ASP-C Canon



Acquisition details



Quick lens test - Cygnus Region

Lens - Jupiter 37A 135mm f3.5 lens from Ukraina. Manual focus, set at f4.5.

Bit cloudy, hence the round pillows of light around Deneb and a few other bright stars. Was also a bit of moon glow.

Alignment was approximately poor as usual (no sight of Polaris due to housing).

Aberrations are fewer than expected. Fewer - or at least less annoying - than with my EF 100mm f2. Stars in center are round, not much spiking (with 200mm f2 they're round to the edges on the asp-c, but spikey). Colours were refreshingly natural and varied, better than with the Canon 100mm f2. Faint regions albeit more difficult to draw out.

I didn't want to stretch this one so much, the star colours were beautiful.

I can't remember if I used the Astronomik CLS filter or not... I possibly did a mix.



Jupiter 37A 135mm f3.5 test on ASP-C Canon, Sambo